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School Board Elections 2013

School Board Elections 2013!!

School Board meeting, Feb. 26, 2013

The meeting started out with me making motions to convene independent audit committees to investigate the $12.2 million unaccounted for and unauthorized cost increases in the Red Plan, and the soft cost increases paid to Johnson Controls, Inc of $40 million (from $42 million to $84 million).  No surprise, the board refused to even second any of these motions.  The board has also refused to even put in the minutes any of my motions.

Special board meeting called to discuss the levy, but none on the board are able to debate

On Nov. 4, the school board finally called a special meeting to discuss the operating levy. The board had repeatedly refused to call a meeting and refused to have any discussion of the levy misinformation at the regular school board meetings. Finally their legal counsel told  them that not to call a meeting was  a violation of state law and our bylaws. The chair and superintendent tried to adjourn the meeting right after it started, but they could find no grounds to do that.

Other schools get it right, why can't Duluth?

Many schools across the state are having operating levy referendums. It is interesting to check out these other schools’ websites to see how they are presenting the facts. All the ones I've checked are sticking to the facts.

Chair claims she doesn't know why she denied agenda item requests

At the regular school board meeting on Oct. 18, the Chair stated that she didn't know why she denied adding my requested agenda items to the agenda.

Board Chair refuses to allow board members to submit agenda items

I was denied attendance by the School Board Chair, Clerk and Superintendent on the Oct. 5th agenda setting meeting.

League of Women Voters forum

The League of Women Voters had the school board candidate forum at HOCHS on Monday Oct. 3.

Board passes maximum operating levy certification

At a special school board meeting on Thursday, Oct. 6, the Duluth board passed the maximum permissible operating levy (your property taxes). This is a 4.9% increase over last year. No explanations were given on why there was an increase. Last year's increase was a 5.9% increase over the previous year. The board turned down an amendment by Glass and Johnston to limit the levy to last year's amout of $24, 641,000. Glass and Johnston indicated that it isn't fair to increase school budgets when citizens' income in Duluth is flat or decreasing.

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