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Duluth School Board

Budget Info


For FY 2017, Superintendent Gronseth predicts that we will have a $3.3 million deficit.  Ever since I've been on the Board, we have always had deficits, except for 2015.  All the deficits are  a bit surprising, and seems to be the normal way of doing business in introducing every year's budget.  One would normally question such "business are usual" in planning for budgets.  Though declining enrollment, the debt obligation being paid out of the General Fund (the classrooms), and depletion of the District's reserve funds certainly can have its toll.

False Charges by the Duluth Superintendent and School Board

The report commissioned to investigate my activity on the Duluth School Board was authored by a hired gun of the school district. Its negative, biased content was predictable and expected.  But what was surprising was that the Duluth News Tribune trumpeted it as gospel, rather than political hogwash.

But even as unprofessional as it was, the report found:

no basis for assault,

no conflict of interest,

no racist comments.

The New Year, Post Election 2013


The New Year is almost here.  The Duluth school’s Red Plan construction is completed.  The public has given us a financial reprise by passing a small increase in local support for education (but not buildings), and state funding is increasing. We have three new members on the school board.  Change is in the air.  It is time for some soul searching: what have we done right, what have we done wrong, how can we move from the past into a positive future?    It is time for new-year resolutions and a new era. 

Budgeteer News October 27

Getting elected to the school board in western Duluth takes gaining the trust of the people. The 4th district in Duluth is small enough that you can knock on almost everyone's door to introduce yourself. Learning about the neighborhoods, hearing their history, enjoying the yards, taking in the views, and walking along our many creeks makes campaigning in west Duluth fun. Talking to neighbors and finding out what my constituents think is what grassroots politics is all about.

Links to other articles and webpages

The following are links to sources about the latest school board  news and the failed attempt of Superintendent William Gronseth to remove me from the Duluth School Board.

The Zenith City News is an alternative newspaper in Duluth.  The most indepth reporting in Duluth

The Devil in the Details                               http://www.zenithcitynews.com/081914/feature.htm

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