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Art Johnston

Duluth Public School's Enrollment and Graduation Drops

Duluth Public School, Number of Graduates. 

Duluth now has two High Schools:  Denfeld and East.  Central High School was closed in 2012 and its students were supposed to trasfer to Denfeld.  But that didn't happen.

Note that last year, Denfeld graduated the lowest number of graduates since the 1920's.

Note that these numbers reflect the four year graduation rates.  The source is Minn. Dept. of Ed.

Zenith News Exposé on Duluth School Board Sham

The Zenith News cover story on November 3 accurately portrayed the Duluth School Board and Superintendent’s failed attempt at taking me out as the sham that it was. 

Your intent was only to report on the unredacted Rice Report, but it opened up further questions that beg to be further investigated.  As inaccurate and illogical as the Rice report was, your accurate critique of it only scratched the surface of what was really going on with this witch-hunt. 

False Charges by the Duluth Superintendent and School Board

The report commissioned to investigate my activity on the Duluth School Board was authored by a hired gun of the school district. Its negative, biased content was predictable and expected.  But what was surprising was that the Duluth News Tribune trumpeted it as gospel, rather than political hogwash.

But even as unprofessional as it was, the report found:

no basis for assault,

no conflict of interest,

no racist comments.

Links to other articles and webpages

The following are links to sources about the latest school board  news and the failed attempt of Superintendent William Gronseth to remove me from the Duluth School Board.

The Zenith City News is an alternative newspaper in Duluth.  The most indepth reporting in Duluth

The Devil in the Details                               http://www.zenithcitynews.com/081914/feature.htm

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