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Public Perceptions

The attached file contains results of a survey conducted by the Duluth school on public perceptions and how they think about  the school board, the administration, the Long Range Facilities Plan (Red Plan), and the likelihood of a operating levy passing in Duluth. This is the first time that there has ever been a survey of what people think about the school.

Operating (Excess) Levy General Election, Nov. 8

                                                         VOTE  NO, NO,  NO

What is an Operating Levy and History

In 2001, the State of Minnesota Omnibus funding bill fundamentally changed the way schools were funded. This was an attempt to make school funding more uniform (due to court rulings and the Minnesota constitution) for students throughout the state.  Back in 2001, rich school districts (like Edina) were spending many time more on per student education than poor districts (like Nett Lake Indian Reservation). Another imputus to change the way school funding  was done was because of Gov.

Why I oppose an additional operating levy

  • The justification for passing an additional operating levy must be truthful and based on sound reasoning.  The Fact vs. Fantasy page on this web site shows that proponents of a higher levy haven't done their homework, school expenditures have not decreased, and that Duluth already pays among the highest taxes in the state to support their schools.

2011 Ballot

Preview the November 2011 levy ballot.

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